Sunday, September 2, 2012


I have called 2 places home in my life. My real home is and always will be St. Joe. For everything St. Joe lacks, it still is the only place I ever truly feel at home. The other place I have called home is Columbia. When asked what my favorite place in the world is, I respond with Columbia, Mo. Over the past few days that list grew to 3. Everything is starting to slow down. Things look familiar. Instead of seeing a street full of bright lights and colorful signs, I see my favorite tea stand. I see my go-to restaurants.  Faces look familiar. Street signs are starting to make sense. The initial, "Holy **** Im in Asia" has left. Every day is just a day. I dont get overwhelmed by the things it takes to live in Taiwan. Heck, I am even getting used to not being able to flush the toilet paper. I finally feel comfortable!

Everyone told me I would experience culture shock. They said I would get homesick. So far, that hasn't been the case. I work with really awesome and entertaining people. My roommates rock. Life is very good here. Having said that, this week will be a very difficult week for me. Georgia Bulldogs come to Columbia for Mizzou's first SEC game, and I will not be there. That sucks! So, I will do the best I can to recreate the experience here. I am going to wake up at 6:30 am on Sunday, fire up the grill, put on my favorite Mizzou shirt, and watch the game on my computer. 

Other things:
I feel like I turned 16 this week. I finally got a cell phone and a scooter. Ah sweet freedom. Let me just warn you. There is a 99% chance I get in a scooter wreck this year. (dont worry mom, I will be fine!) I drive really fast. I enjoy acting like I am batman driving thru Gotham, swerving in and out of cars. Quite the thrill. 
I am finally getting paid this week. 

My post title for next Sundays blog is "The Life of a Celeb"
Now you have to read it


  1. DO NOT weave in and out of traffic like Batman. I WILL find a way to ground you from your scooter. Don't worry, I will keep you updated on the dawg's demise. Keep that cell phone handy.

  2. Please tell me you sing thing when you're driving around
